The quality of the air inside your home can affect your health and overall general well-being. When pollutants are in the air, it can cause irritation in your eyes, throat and nose, aggravated allergies, sneezing, and coughing.
Having a professional do an indoor air quality test is good because you can discover what you are breathing in every day. Mold, pet dander, pollen, and bacteria are all examples of what could be causing illness in your home.
What Contributes to Indoor Air Quality
Gas, wood, tobacco products, cleaning chemicals, and hairsprays are all common pollutants which we bring into our homes daily and weekly. Many homeowners do not have the opportunity to keep windows regularly open in order to release these pollutants and smells and so they stay trapped in the air in our homes.
Outdoor weather continues to change the pollen counts that are in the air each season. This air comes in and out simply through walking in and out your doors each day as well as through fireplaces, ventilation systems, and air ducts.
How to Fix Air Quality
Hire a professional to test the air quality in your home. These professionals are trained to perform the tests as well as look for causes of irritants around your home. While the initial price may be expensive, it will save precious dollars spent on healthcare costs dealing with health issues due from pollutants.
Once a full air quality assessment has been performed and culprits of irritants discovered, keeping the air free of these pollutants is important.
If you make structural changes to your home, you will want to retest the indoor air quality to ensure that new pollutants have not been introduced. If a new baby is welcomed into the home or someone in the home is diagnosed with a chronic health condition, it would then be good to test again at that time
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